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Mossy Creek Wildlife Viewing Area

Site Directions: Mossy Creek WVA can be accessed via I-40, exit 417. From exit 417, travel north on TN Highway 92 toward Cherokee Dam. When Highway 92 dead ends into U.S. Highway 11E, turn left and continue on 11E/TN92 less than one mile and turn right at the second red light (staying on Hwy 92). Continue approximately one mile where TN 92 makes a sharp left turn and crosses a bridge over the railroad tracks. Turn at the first right onto Easley Road which dead-ends in approximately 0.1 mile, turn right at this stop sign (no street sign) and travel approximately 0.5 miles and take the first left onto Bethel Church Road which dead-ends after 0.3 miles (no street sign, but this is Cherokee Drive); there will be a sign for Mossy Creek WVA directly across from this intersection. At this stop sign, turn left and travel approximately 0.2 miles to a paved parking lot for Mossy Creek WVA which will be on your right.

As an alternate route from the I-40 approach, one can follow TN 92 to its intersection with 11E, turn right on 11E (and get in the left lane) and go one block to the next traffic light and turn left on Russell Ave; after about 15 blocks, cross the railroad and immediately turn left on Cherokee Dr; the viewing area is about 1/4 mile.
Lat: 36.12802°N Long: -83.50172°W
Hours: daylight until dark
Seasonality: year round
Fees: none

Site Description: Mossy Creek WVA is a small wildlife preserve containing approximately 23 acres that adjoins the northern edge of Jefferson City. It contains a wetlands area with slow moving Mossy Creek meandering through it as well as a small grasslands area with brushy cover. There are two covered wildlife viewing areas; one is accessed by following the paved path to the right of the parking area; and the other is located up an incline to the left of the parking lot.

From the parking area one can walk farther along Cherokee Drive past the sewage plant and reach the southwest corner of Cherokee Lake at the mouth of Mossy Creek. This is also a fairly good viewing area.

Wildlife to Watch: There have been a total of 118 species of birds identified in the wildlife viewing area with those associated with wetlands including Wood Ducks, Great Egrets and Little Blue Herons, Great Blue Herons, Black-crowned Night Herons and Belted Kingfishers. Bald Eagles have been observed flying over the wetlands in addition to the normal grasslands birds expected in this area such as Eastern Bluebirds, Northern Mockingbirds and Eastern Towhees, and several species of sparrows. Of the 118 documented species seen here, 35 have been confirmed as nesting on the site.

Beavers are active in the wetland and other wildlife observed are various species of turtles, otters, muskrat, etc.

For more information:

Submit your data to eBird and help us build a list of birds seen at this site

Information for this site page generously provided by Ginger Goolsby, Howard Chitwood, and Harold Howell.

Be sure to check out our Safety Tips page for important information regarding viewing wildlife in these areas.

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