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Ernest Rice WMA

Site Directions: From Dyersburg, take Hwy 104 west approximately 10 miles to signs for Ernest Rice WMA. Two points of access can be reach on the south side of Hwy 104. Area signs are posted.
Lat: 36.06089°N Long: -89.60340°W
Daylight hours.
Seasonality: Year round, access dependent on hunting seasons.

Parking on the east side of the WMA

Access sign on Hwy 104 just off Great River Rd.

Gravel access road to western side of the WMA

Site Description:
The area contains 2000 acres of mature bottomland hardwood forest. There is also 500 acres of early successional fields, reforestation, and some farmland. Access is by a primary all weather gravel road. Roads are well maintained. Access may be limited by the level of the Mississippi and Obion Rivers, which can flood over the roads. Do not attempt to drive through flood waters.

Wildlife to Watch: Forest songbirds are common in summer, including Summer Tanager, Acadian Flycatcher, and resident species such as Carolina Chickadee and Tufted Titmouse. In grassy fields, deer, turkey, and Grasshopper Sparrows are found. Mississippi Kites gather and forage over the forest and fields. Horned Larks and Killdeer are especially common in winter. Northern Harriers frequent the fields around Ernest Rice WMA in winter.

NOTE: Please refer to TWRA Hunting Guide about hunting seasons and public access dates. Access dates vary by site.

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Be sure to check out our Safety Tips page for important information regarding viewing wildlife in these areas.