Chickasaw National Wildlife Refuge
9 miles NW of Ripley, TN, Ripley, TN
(P) 731-635-7621
(F) 731-286-0468
Site Directions: To access the refuge headquarters, take Edith Nankipoo Road NW from Ripley, TN off of U.S. Highway 51. Go about 6 miles and turn left on Hobe Webb Road. Follow Hobe Webb road for about 1. 25 miles and then turn right on Sand Bluff Road. The headquarters buildings are located on the left about 0.5 miles from the intersection of Sand Bluff and Hobe Webb Roads.
Lat-Long: 35.81732, -89.65962
Hours: Always accessible using existing public roads.
Seasonality: year round
Fee: none

Site Description: This large refuge of approximately 25,000 acres consists primarily of bottomland hardwood forests and swamps. Small amounts of upland forest, grassland/shrub scrub, open water, and cropland habitats also exist. All except the upland forest area may receive floodwaters from the Mississippi River. A boat launch into the Mississippi River is provided at the Ed Jones Launch site (see GRBT Chickasaw National Wildlife Refuge Ed Jones Launch site for information on this site). The site encompasses one of the best examples of the Mississippi River floodplain forest ecosystem in West Tenneessee.

Wildlife to Watch: The variety of habitats present in this refuge insures that a wide variety of birds can be seen at all seasons of the year. Concentrations of waterfowl, wading birds, and shorebirds may be seen depending on seasonality and water availability. Neotropical migrants are abundant during the warm seasons of the year, including Cerulean Warblers. Two active Bald Eagle nests occur on the refuge.
Site History: The refuge occupies lands that were once owned by Anderson-Tully Inc., a private timber company.
NOTE: Please refer to Refuge personnel about hunting seasons and public access dates. Access dates vary by site.
For more information:
Birds of Chickasaw NWR from eBird submissions
US Fish and Wildlife Service web page
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Be sure to check out our Safety Tips page for important information regarding viewing wildlife in these areas.