Yanahli WMA
Site Directions: From I-65, the area can be accessed from either US 412 or state Hwy. 50. This is the former TVA property along the Duck River, east of Columbia. No checking station. It is in various tracts along the Duck River from Columbia east to the Marshall County line. You will need a map to find your way around Yanahli WMA as there are many parcels of land scattered across the area. It is tricky to navigate the area and signage is not always adequate.
Lat-Long: 35.59058, -86.99806
Hours: daylight hours
Seasonality: year round
Fees: none
Site Description: Cedar glades and oak-hickory hardwood forests are mixed with some cropland. Good mix of edge and forest provide for a diverse flora and fauna on the 12,800 acres of Yanahli WMA.
Wildlife to Watch: Early successional bird species are common, including Field Sparrow, Indigo Bunting, Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow-breasted Chat. Willow Flycatcher and Blue-winged Warblers are local nesting birds uncommon elsewhere in middle Tennessee. Forest birds include Summer and Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush, and Red-eyed Vireo. Wild Turkey are common year round.
NOTE: Please refer to TWRA Hunting Guide about hunting seasons and public access dates. Access dates vary by site.
Birds of Yanahli WMA from eBird submissions
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Be sure to check out our Safety Tips page for important information regarding viewing wildlife in these areas.